Saturday, November 1, 2008

Clammy Costa Rica


Guess where I am now? In the heart of the humid Costa Rican rain forest! It is a tropical rain forest and so of course very hot and muggy. There is many different types of wildlife thriving here in the dense rain forest. Costa Rica contains 5% of the world's biodiversity! There are over 9000 different types of plants, over 850 types of birds, over 200 species of mammals, over 35,000 types of insects and over 200 types of amphibians, Because of the situation of Costa Rica, the climate does not vary much during the year, it usually ranges at about 25°C.

One of the most special features of Costa Rica, though, is the amazing environmental protection. There have enough trees planted to make it counter the effects of greenhouse emissions in that particular area.

The first inhabitants of Costa Rica were the nomads. They lived in tribes or family groups. After awhile, they began to erect social standards and had a chief. Now days there are still some of the Costa Rican Indians living on their land.

In my pictures, you can me on the bridge with my guide.


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